7Petals Academy

Our Curriculum

“Every child has a different learning style and pace. Each child is unique, not only capable of learning but also capable of succeeding.”-Robert John Meehan.

Teaching Methodology

Our curriculum is based on Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory which proposes that individuals possess eight or more relatively autonomous intelligences.

Accordingly, the curriculum is structured to suit different learning styles of children which translates to 8 methodologies of teaching every concept.

We provide ample opportunities for kids to explore & learn through varied programs such as Field Trip, Baby Yoga, Dance, Sand Play, Water Play, Festivals, Events, Colours Day, Cultural Day, Sports Day, Workshop, Grandparents Day, Parents Day, Dental Check up, Workshop for Parents, Workshop on Good Touch Bad Touch, Fire Evacuation Training, Life Skills, Science Experiments etc.,​

Multiple Intelligences

Body Smart

The ability to manipulate both the body and objects with a keen sense of timing is known as bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. This can be demonstrated in the form of physical skills, for example, athletes and dancers, or in precision and steady movement, such as surgeons and crafts people.

People Smart

While the ability to communicate effectively with others is common knowledge on the basis of interpersonal intelligence, it is not merely limited to verbal interactions.

Word Smart

The ability to express oneself using words and language is known as verbal-linguistic intelligence.Through reading, writing and sharing stories orally, we are able to marvel at our use of language. We see examples of this skill in journalists, poets, and public speakers.

Logic Smart

Sometimes misconstrued as simply the ability to calculate mathematical equations, logical-mathematical intelligence is much more than that.With experiments and strategy games as two coveted activities, it would make sense that possible careers would include a scientist, a mathematician, and a detective.

Nature Smart

A sensitivity to features in the natural world is most closely tied to what is called naturalist intelligence.The ability to distinguish between living and non-living things was notably more valuable in the past when humans were often farmers, hunters or gatherers. Nowadays, this intelligence has evolved to more modern-day roles such as a chef or a botanist.

Self Smart

The ability to understand one’s own thoughts is known as intrapersonal intelligence. Individuals who demonstrate intrapersonal intelligence are acutely aware of their feelings and can show an appreciation for themselves and other humans. Philosophers, psychologists and religious leaders may all show high levels of intrapersonal intelligence.

Picture Smart

Visually artistic people are known to demonstrate spatial intelligence. These abilities include manipulating images, graphic skills, and spatial reasoning – anything that would include more than two dimensions.

Music Smart

The ability to acutely reflect on sounds is demonstrated by those who possess musical intelligence. Musicians, conductors, composers, and vocalists all demonstrate keen musical intelligence.


Our Teaching Methodologies



Flash Cards

Outdoor Activities



Story Telling/ Puppetry

Talk shows

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